Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Six Common Root Canal Treatment Myths Debunked

The purpose of root canal therapy is to sanitize the infected root canal, prevent reinfection, and keep the original tooth. Many have been terrified by the myths surrounding a root canal, in spite of the fact that it is a popular dental procedure. The fact that a root canal is a painful procedure is likely the most essential aspect. Root canal procedure is a painless therapy, and any discomfort associated with it is due to the infection itself.

Myth 1: A Root Canal is Painful.

The belief that root canals are painful is pervasive. The infection is responsible for the pain, not the procedure. As a result of technological advances such as endodontic microscopes and rotary files, root canal therapy is now minimally invasive and harmless.

Myth 2: Tooth Extraction is Better than a Root Canal.

Whenever possible, it is preferable to maintain your natural dentition. it is essential to always consider root canal therapy as an option, as nothing artificial can replicate the appearance or functionality of a natural tooth. Before making a decision, know the pros and cons of root canal versus tooth extraction.

Myth 3: Root Canal Benefits are Temporary.

That is false. After a root canal, a tooth becomes more fragile and the impact created by chewing and speaking can lead the crown to shatter. However, this is only a problem with the restoration, not the actual root canal. Read more about Root Canal treatment.

Myth 4: A Root Canal is Not Necessary if You Don’t Feel Pain.

Numerous molars requiring root canal therapy are painless. The absence of discomfort does not necessarily indicate a healthy tooth. Your dentist and endodontist can determine if a root canal is necessary by inspecting your tooth’s pulp. Episodes of extreme tooth pain that occasionally worsens with gnawing or pressure mean you need a root canal.

Myth 5: Root canal Therapy Causes Illness.

This myth is completely false. It is the result of previous research that falsely implied that bacteria trapped in an endodontically treated tooth could spread to other parts of the body and cause a variety of diseases. Know about cost of root canal.

Myth 6: A Root Canal Takes a Long Time.

The extent of the infected tooth determines the required number of root canal therapy appointments. Typically, a root canal requires between 30 and 60 minutes to complete. Treatment of a larger tooth with numerous roots may take up to an hour and a half.

As a result of believing these fallacies to be true, a great number of individuals have delayed receiving a root canal. Now that you are aware that the procedure is harmless and preferable to tooth extraction, you should consider root canal treatment for your long-term oral health. Further read about Different Types of Root Canal.

Can a Dentist Misdiagnose a Root Canal?

Yes. The dentist may erroneously determine or overestimate the extent of the damage to the tooth or that a root canal is required. Even dishonest dentists may perform the procedure so as to charge the patient's insurance company more money.

What is the Percentage of Root Canal Failures?

There are approximately 5% of root canal failures in situations involving teeth with multiple roots, as it is probable that only 1 root was infected and filled.

A dentist at Laguna Dental Center, Dr. Ronald Ayzin gives his patients all the necessary information regarding root canals. See about Laguna Hills Root Canal, Dr. Ronald Ayzin wishes to ensure that you choose the best choice for your teeth.